Woman working on her laptop in a library

Registration Forms

Form NameDescription
Application for Credit by Examination (PDF)This allows you the opportunity to receive college credits for what you already know! Students can demonstrate their skills and knowledge received through prior learning from non-accredited institutions and/or work experience.
Application for Graduation (PDF)If you are close to completing your degree, we suggest you meet with the academic advising office to make sure you are ready for graduation. If so, please complete the graduation application online thru Ocean Connect/Student Planning. If you are unable to log in or submit an application online, then you may use this form. You will be evaluated and mailed a letter indicating if you have been approved for graduation.”
*Commit to Complete You may be eligible for a free 3-credit class. View qualifications here. You must complete and submit this form once you are registered for the summer class to be evaluated for the free class.
Change of Curriculum (PDF)If you would like to update your program of study, please meet with the academic advising office. Once an academic advisor signs off on this form, you may submit it for your curriculum to be updated.
Chargeback Procedure (PDF)chargeback assistance will be available for Ocean County residents who enroll in a course or program, at another county college in New Jersey, that is not offered at Ocean County College.
*Driver’s License Verification Form Use this form to upload a copy of your driver’s license.
Drop/Add (PDF)Most students have access to add/drop courses on Student Planning. However, if you receive a block notification, or need an advisor’s or instructor’s signature, fill out this form.
*Early College Grant ApplicationApplication for High School students taking College Courses at 365球赛平台 or at their High School.
Early College Parental Consent Form (PDF) Required for high school students.
Enrollment Verification RequestAfter the census date of the semester, students can request an enrollment verification. You can request an enrollment verification free of charge at any time by completing this form and submitting it with a copy of your government-issued photo ID.
Immunization Record In accordance with New Jersey law, all new on-campus students carrying 12 or more credits are required to submit a record of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B or indicate exemption due to medical or religious beliefs.
Nursing Letter of Intent Complete this form if you are interested in the Traditional Nursing Program. You must submit this form for every semester that you wish to be considered for the traditional nursing program.
Registration Form (PDF)Eligible students are welcome to register via their Ocean Connect account. However, if you are in need of assistance and must register manually, you may use this form.
*Student Information ChangeIf you need to correct your name or address, please complete this form along with a copy of your government-issued photo ID with the updated name and/or address. We will also accept the confirmation from the Motor Vehicle Commission. Leases, utility statements, and bills are not accepted as address documentation.
Student Social Security Number FormSecurely submit your Social Security number for Financial Aid purposes.
Transcript RequestWe no longer have paper transcript request forms. All students must order a transcript via our ordering website through the National Student Clearinghouse.

*Dynamic Form – You may need to log in through your Ocean Connect account to access the form. Thank you.


Form NameDescription
FERPA – Authorization to Release Protected Information Please complete this form if you would like to grant another individual access to information regarding your educational records (grades, financial aid, schedule, etc.)
Revocation of Directory Information If you previously completed the form to prevent disclosure of Directory information and would now like to allow disclosure, complete this form.
Request to Inspect and Amend Education Records (PDF)If you would like to inspect your record and/or request a change be made, complete this form.
Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information Complete this form if you want your directory information withheld. Please note, your name will not appear in the graduation program.
Appeal – FERPA Request (PDF) If you made a request to amend your records and it was denied, you can appeal the decision by submitting this form.

Please visit our FERPA site regarding the FERPA Privacy Policy for more information.

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